Listen to the CD

My work requires me to travel across the United States.  Whenever possible, I visit nursing homes and sing hymns to bedridden patients.  Many are close to death’s door.  God has given me the privilege to sing for several as they entered Heaven.  I have witnessed God’s music soothe hurting souls and bring comfort beyond measure.  After leaving the facility, I would often allow myself time alone to cry and pray.  Seeing their pain, loneliness and despair prompted me to ask the Lord, what more can I do? The answer God gave is the Precious Saints music CD.


My desire is to get this music into their hands by distributing freely to all hospice, hospitals and nursing homes across the country.  What better gift can we give these precious saints of the Lord as they face the trials, burdens and physical pain of their last days?  This music reminds them of the love of Jesus and their home in Heaven!


I ask that you pray for this project.  It is much bigger than I can do on my own.  If you would like to contribute to the overwhelming costs, please send donations to Clays Mill Baptist Church and designate it for the “Precious Saints” ministry.  If you would like a tax donation receipt, please let us know.


Over these four years, I have prayed daily over this burden: the music arrangement, the production costs, the distribution costs and the logistics.  God has blessed in many ways.  I want nothing in return but to fulfill this goal of giving comfort to God’s precious people.


Psalm 116:15, “Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his saints.”


I thank you for your prayers and your financial support.  Your church may participate in this project by personally delivering these music CDs to your local hospital, hospice or nursing home.  You could also provide copies to your homebound seniors. To order a CD or multiple copies, please email us at  This CD is free of charge, but we do ask that you consider donating towards our expenses.



111 Petunia Court, Nicholasville, KY  40324  I   email: